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•Crude Oil distillation units are skid mounted units (CDU-ADU) that can individually process between 1,000 and 20,000 BpD each depending on the crude oil specific gravity and can be designed to provide whatever capacity required. They can produce a variety of finished products including naphtha (straight run gasoline), kerosene, diesel and fuel oil. Two or more plants could be installed on a single site allowing the simultaneous processing of more than one type of crude oil; and one plant can still be in operation in the event one plant is down.

•The skid mounted modular crude oil distillation units:

•Units can be set up and in operation within days after arrival at a site where the foundation and storage tanks are in place. Standard manufacturing and installation within several months after confirmed order and funds released.

•A single operator may restart the plant from a cold start and have the plant in full operation in less than two hours. The plants are completely automated, and once an operator sets all the controlling points, all product temperatures and flows are controlled automatically. If a product specification drifts off or if a potentially hazardous condition develops, the plant automatically adjusts itself to a safe condition, without the help of an operator and a “first out” alarm signals the reason for the shutdown by a flashing red light. The operator can then make the necessary adjustment or the plant will automatically shut down.

•Only a concrete support area is required to for each unit. Our units require no water, steam, or instrument air at this time/considering all electric. Fuel supply can be natural gas, LNG and LPG or a combination of these fuels.

Once Running

•The first process will be an organic liquid distillation plant. The purpose of the distillation plant, is to separate organic liquids that are a mixture of various components, products that are relatively uniform. Organic liquid feedstock, consisting mainly of sweet crude oil, oil, and various types of transmix, condensate, and other related organic liquids will be delivered to the plant by common carrier highway tank and rail trucks. Feed to this plant will be a maximum of 40,000 bbl per day, or 14.6 million bbl per year. The feedstock will be off-loaded via stainless steel hoses and a system of above ground solid pipes and pumps. The feedstock will be pumped through this system into storage tanks. 

•From the storage tanks, the feedstock will be pumped through a de-salter system and through a series of heat exchangers, to increase its temperature. The feedstock is then pumped through a natural gas fired/optional electrical heater, and then through an atmospheric distillation tower. The feedstock exits the heater and piped into bottom of the atmospheric distillation tower. Most of the feedstock boils into gaseous form. As the gas rises through the tower, it cools and condenses into liquids. The difference in temperature where the various liquids condense at, is used to separate the feedstock into intermediate products. The tower contains a series of trays that collect the liquids as they are condensed and remove the liquids from the tower. The lower in the tower that a tray is, the heavier (higher temperature of condensation) the liquid will be that condenses on that tray. Each tray produces what is called a “cut”.

•The atmospheric tower will be operated to produce the following cuts: atmospheric gas oil from the lowest trays, a heavy diesel fuel used for marine fuel, kerosene, and naphtha that will be used in commercial solvents. At the top of the tower, a small portion of the feed will be removed that is still in gaseous form. This in mainly methane, ethane, butane and propane. This gaseous cut will be compressed into portable pressure vessels, and transported by common carrier to costumers and sold as fuel. 

•The naphtha cut is split again in another separation